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Oil Massage

Bodywork Services

Relaxation is the key to healing.

head massage

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on technique or modality that works with the soft tissue structures of the body, as well as the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine. Hence, its name -- craniosacral -- from the cranium or head to the sacrum or sacral, base area of the spine. It is these structures and fluids that support, protect, and nourish the central nervous system, which is the system that relays information to all other systems within the body for a synchronized or symbiotic coordination between all cells in order for them to fully function as intended.


Craniosacral therapy uses a light touch to examine the membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. Relieving tension in this area or within this body system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.


Below are some common classified diagnoses or labels that it can appear to assist with:



    *Anxiety and panic attacks


    *Brain and spinal cord trauma

    *Central nervous system disorders

    *Chronic (long-term) neck and back pain


    *Fascial pain

    *Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

    *Learning disabilities

    *Migraines and headaches

    *Motor-coordination impairments

    *Post-traumatic stress disorder


    *TMJ disorder

Structural Integration/Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release is a very effective hands-on approach that involves applying gentle, yet sustained pressure, into the areas of myofascial connective tissue with restriction in order to eliminate pain and restore not only motion, but function as well. 


What is fascia?


Fascia is a three-dimensional web of connective tissue that covers the entire body from head to toe. It interpenetrates every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, and vein. It also lines internal organs, covers the nervous system, and has a profound impact on all structures and systems within the whole body system or network. 


What appears to lead to the fascia becoming restricted?


There are a few triggers that can lead to restriction, which include trauma, stress, anxiety, poor posture, prolonged positioning, repetitive motions, inflammatory responses, scarring, and surgical procedures to name a few. 


Fascial restrictions have the ability to produce a tremendous amount of pressure on the body and surrounding areas with a tensile strength upwards of 2,000 pounds per square inch. It has the ability to put so much pressure on the surrounding bones that it can pull them out of alignment, causing further restriction in other areas of the body and a much more intense experience of pain.


When fascia becomes restricted, it feels dense and fibrous, like it is losing its fluidity, which often leads to pain and inflammation. When fascia is not restricted, it acts as a fluid shock absorber. 


With proper treatment, the fascia is then able to rehydrate and reorganize itself, adding both length to the connective tissue as well as restoring space within the body. Thus, returning both alignment and mobility, which permits more effective and efficient communication of the nervous system. The body will continue to feel better as the pain and inflammation are eliminated.


What types of categorized or classified conditions can myofascial release assist with?


*Arthritis *Adhesions  *Carpal Tunnel *Headaches *TMJ  *Low Back Pain  *Sacroiliac Pain *Whiplash *Pelvic Pain *Sports Injuries *Scoliosis  *Migraines *Painful Scars *Fibromyalgia *Disc Problems *Sciatica *Myofascial Pain Syndrome *Joint, Neck, & Hip Pain *Depression *Women's Health Issues  *Bladder Issues *Birth Injuries *Bursitis *Cerebral Palsy *CFS *Chronic Pain *Degenerative Disc Disease *Endometriosis *Frozen Shoulder *Infertility *Interstitial Cystitis *Plantar Fasciitis *Pudendal Nerve Entrapment *Shin Splits *Tennis Elbow *Tinnitus *Trigeminal Neuralgia  *Anxiety *Sleep Disturbances

Jin Shin Do Acupressure

This type of acupressure involves using a gentle, yet deep, finger pressure on specific acu-points in order to assist in releasing chronic tension, or "armoring," as well as to balance the Qi (or energy), which improves one's overall vitality. It also promotes a pleasant trance-like state, where one can relax and move out of the head and into the body, which assists with one accessing and working through different feelings and/or emotions and seeing and/or acknowledging their inner wisdom. 

Movement Cupping Therapy

Movement cupping involves sliding therapeutic, suction cups across the skin of the body, which stimulaties blood flow into the layers of tissue and fascia under the skin. The benefit of this cupping style is that you will not look like you were attacked by an octopus since it doesn't leave those purple, circular marks all over one's body. There may be times that require a cup to remain in one particular restricted area, but it will not be for more than one minute at a time. The same benefits can be accomplished via cupping without leaving those unsightly bruises. Many people actually prefer this style of cupping since it assists in releasing fascia, adhesions and thus, pain across all targeted areas.

Emotional Release/Somatic Bodywork

Emotional Release Bodywork, or Somatic Bodywork, is when a therapist works directly with a client's body with the intention to open everything up in order to release patterns, pathways, contractions, tensions, and restrictions in the body that are often due to emotional and/or triggering traumatic events, where that happening was imprinted in our [muscle] memory and thus, nervous system. The therapist works in tandem with the client to support this unwinding and repatterning process of the nervous system.


The process itself is often broken down like this, I ask the client which emotions they are currently experiencing the most. I then ask the client to pinpoint each of those emotions, one-by-one, in their body, and this is done by feeling where those restrictions, or tensions, are as they feel that emotion. Those are the areas that I then hone in on and work with the client as things unwind and release. It is a powerful process of releasing emotions.


Reflexology is a type of bodywork, or alternative therapy, that uses reflex points on the hands and feet, which correspond to different systems and/or organs in the body. With this approach, the nerve endings in the extremities provide the map for the entire body. Applying pressure on these particular points on the hands and/or feet, it is said to promote benefits, such as, the relaxation of tension within the body, the improvement of circulation, and the support of proper functioning in the related area of the body.

Qi-Gong Sensory Therapy

Qi-Gong Sensory Treatment is a touch-based therapeutic technique for those who have been labeled with developmental, neurological, sensory/proprioceptive, intellectual, behavioral, and/or psychological abnormalities. It involves a specific Qi-Gong massage technique that essentially, assists in resetting the nervous system or how one perceives and adapts to stimuli. This treatment method also involves teaching the parents or other loved ones to perform these massage techniques on the child as well so that they can be done everyday or on a more frequent basis.


The aim of this treatment method is to normalize the sensation of touch and the regulation of the nervous system, so that the whole body system can re-train itself to work together cohesively; thus, restoring proper function to the body system.

Gua Sha Therapy

Gua Sha Therapy is an alternative treatment method, where the therapist uses a smooth-edge tool, often made of stone, to slide across the skin with slight pressure. This allows for stretching of the fascia, connective tissues, both softening adhesions as well as loosing tightness within the muscles fibers themselves. This motion also allows for a rush of fresh blood to move to the surface of the skin, and this is often thought to be the "sha," or the energy portion (the Qi) that is opening up in order to allow the flush of fresh blood and this results in a brightness of red coloring to the skin, which is said to signify the release any stagnations as well as toxins in the area.  â€‹

It is often used to treat chronic pain, for relaxation, to reduce inflammation, tension, and toxins, to stimulate the immune system, to increase circulation, to increase metabolic activity, and for relief, as it physically feels very pleasant. It also simulates a great facial and is said to enhance the look of the skin and can lift the skin in the area of the face, sort of like a natural face lift.

Therapeutic Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, is using plants aroma-producing oils to treat dis-ease, or in the least, to assist in reducing stress and increasing relaxation within one's body, which then allows the activation of the body's own mechanism to heal and re-organize itself.


Essential oils come from the flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind, and roots of different plants. With aromatherapy, the oils can be placed on the skin, diffused, and/or inhaled...often a combination of the three during a session, of course, depending upon the needs of each client. 


The benefit of essential oils is that they work takes only 22 seconds for them to reach the brain, 2 minutes to reach the bloodstream, and within 22 minutes, they are measurable in every cell of one's body.


Here is a list of what aromatherapy has been shown to do in order for you to see if it is aligned for you -


- Supports the immune system.

- Supports ALL systems within the body.

- Restores strength and stamina.

- Assists with stress, anxiety, nervous tension, and other words, neuro-endocrine support.

- Soothes dry, irritated skin.

- Stimulates circulation.

- Relieves indigestion.

- Uplifts or enhances mood.

- Inspires confidence.

- Clarifying effect on the brain.

- Improves concentration, alertness, and memory retention.

- Assists with sinus congestion.

- Assists with nausea.

- Assists with pain and muscle tension.

- Soothes minor muscle strains and sprains.

- Calms frazzled nerves.

- Assists in removing toxins.

- Acts as a natural astringent.

- Comforts and motivates.

- Balances appetite.

- Conditions the skin.

- Balances body and mind.

- Assists with blemishes, oily skin, and insect bites.

- Soothes issues like heartburn and indigestion.

- Assists in toning the body.

- Reduces water retention.

- Revitalizes mature skin and adds elasticity to the skin, improving complexion and helping with age spots.

- Supports or assists in healthy reproduction.

- Supports emotional well-being.

- Soothes inflammation.

- Reduces hyperactivity and increases concentration.

- Relaxes the body.

- Soothes headaches.

- Improves sleep.

- Promotes peace and calm.

- Reduces muscle spasms.

- Assists in alleviating fatigue.

- Balances hormones and alleviates symptoms of menopause and menstruation.

- Acts as a disinfectant.

- Assists in detoxification.

- Assists in regulating excessive sweating.

- Acts as an antispasmodic. 

- Assists in the repair of free radical damage.

- Increases milk supply for lactating women.

- Energizes

- Assists with "winter blues"

- Relieves jet lag and motion sickness.

- Stimulates the lymphatic system.

- Assists with muscle stiffness.

- Purifies and cleanses emotions

- Decreases swelling

- Boosts immunity

- Promotes reflection and growth.

- Promotes optimism and creativity.

- Acts as a moisturizer.

- Rejuvenates the body.

- Alleviates pain from sunburn.

- Assists the body in regeneration.

- Assists with insomnia.

- Encourages joy

- Lessens the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

- Speeds healing

- Assists with opening airways.

- Strengthens and regulates body systems.

- Antimicrobial properties

- Optimizes metabolic function

- Stimulates hair growth

- Relieves digestive upset

- Prevents illness

- Improves cognitive function

- Reduces irritability

- Some have anti-cancer properties and target cancer cells specifically because they possess anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, and detoxifying capabilities, which act on various pathways within the cancer cells.

- Decreases phase I enzymes to prevent mutagen formation.

- Increases apoptosis, or cellular death in mutated or unhealthy cells. 

- Neuro-protective and anti-aging properties.

- Enhances insulin sensitivity.

- Relieves diabetes symptoms.

- And so much more! 


And More:

Modalities In The Works:

Muscle Ease Sessions - A combination of the different types of bodywork that we have to offer.

* Feldenkrais - Movement Therapy

* Whole Body Connection Therapy

* Ayurveda Marma Therapy

* And More...


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